Nails – 8 Tricks For Strengthening

Nails - 8 tricks for strengthening

If you are one of those people who always have broken nails, you shouldn’t miss this article. Delicate and brittle nails , sometimes even yellowish, are quite common among women and make us try to hide our nails at all costs, because we are ashamed to show them, and even the simplest activities make us break them.

Don’t worry, there is a solution for this. We will share with you simple tips to make your nails reflect health and beauty.

Simple tricks that will strengthen and beautify our nails

1. Bath with olive oil and castor oil


A very simple and effective method. We can prepare this treatment in an easy and economical way at home. Why Olive Oil? Because it is an ideal product for the care of delicate and brittle nails, it strengthens and moisturizes them, and provides them with a dose of fantastic vitamins.

Castor oil

Then wash your hands with mild soap and water. If we repeat this treatment at least three times a week, we will see a significant difference in the condition of our nails. Instead of olive oil, you can successfully use castor oil, it works just as effectively.

2. Vitamin E


It is an essential component of our body. Thanks to it, we strengthen our body, bones, hair and nails, and what’s more, we moisturize our skin, thus defending ourselves against free radicals. Ideally, if we buy capsules with vitamin E, they are sold in pharmacies and herbal stores.

Vitamin E

We only need one capsule for our treatment. What are we going to do with her? It is very easy. We will take a light nail polish and pour the contents of a vitamin E capsule into it. Try to paint nails with this varnish often, and it will allow us to notice great results.

3. The garlic trick


Surprised? Unnecessarily. Garlic is an excellent antibacterial product, it protects us against fungi or other toxic agents that can weaken our nails. The procedure consists in cutting a clove of garlic in the evening and rubbing it with the nails and cuticles around the nails, making a gentle massage.


After the procedure, there is nothing else to do but wash your hands with water and a mild soap, preferably with a children’s soap with antibacterial properties. Don’t worry, if you wash your hands thoroughly, you will get rid of the unpleasant smell of garlic.

4. The trick for healthy and strong nails


Now we will prepare a mask with highly moisturizing properties that will make the nails grow strong and healthy. It is very easy to prepare, just mix a teaspoon of papaya, one egg yolk, a little lemon juice and five teaspoons of milk in a bowl.

Beautiful nails

We mix until the ingredients combine well and put our fingers inside so that all nails are immersed in the mask, hold them for at least ten minutes. If we repeat this treatment at least twice a week, we will get great results.

5. Field horsetail


It is perfect for strengthening, caring for and hardening nails. How to use it? It’s very simple, just brew four sprigs of horsetail in a glass of water.

6 # horsetail-nails.jpg

Set aside to cool, when the infusion is already cold, soak our nails in it for at least fifteen minutes. Let’s not forget to repeat this activity twice a week.

6. Lemon and almond oil


Another very effective and easy to prepare remedy for strengthening nails. As a reminder, almond oil can be easily found in health food or herbal stores. To prepare this mask with great properties, just squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a bowl, when it’s done, add a tablespoon of sugar.

Vegetable oils

We put our hands into the mixture prepared in this way, paying special attention that all nails are immersed in the mask, we hold them for ten minutes. Then dip a cotton ball in almond oil and rub it thoroughly on each nail. This treatment works amazing!

7. The trick to whiten your nails


Have you ever tried whitening your nails? They are often yellow in color or their natural color is very faded and we do not like them. There is a simple way to do this that will allow us to whiten our nails, just soak them in vinegar for five minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide on the nails

Another way is to dip a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and wash your nails with it. This will help us get a beautiful and natural color.

8. Tips on how to keep nails healthy and well-groomed

  • Avoid biting your nails if you do this, your nails are not only brittle and neglected, but you can also contract many diseases.
  • Let’s not overuse nail polishes. Nails need to breathe, so nail painting is best alternated with a few weeks of rest.
  • Let us not use nails as tools, let us not scratch anything with our nails, let us not use them to open things.
  • Let’s get used to wearing gloves when cleaning. Remember that the use of detergents, softeners or dishwashing liquids may damage our nail plate.

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