How Does The Mother’s Microbiome Affect The Baby’s Brain Development?

How does the mother's microbiome affect the baby's brain development?

Pregnancy is a key stage in the development of the fetus. For example, the mother’s microbiome has a significant influence on the development of the fetus. In today’s article, we will look at diseases that arise during pregnancy that may affect the baby’s brain in the future.

Did you know that the mother’s microbiome influences the development of the baby’s brain?

Most people are well aware of the fact that pregnancy is a key stage in the development of the fetus and its overall health. However, until recently, we had no idea that some diseases might appear later in life. This means that some medical conditions may be related to what the woman ate and did during the pregnancy.

It is not easy to “build” a child’s brain

The formation of a baby’s brain during fetal development has a high metabolic cost. Neurons multiply rapidly and move to the origins of the future brain in the first month of pregnancy. They follow a perfectly designed program.

At this stage, the division rate of neurons reaches a record value of 250,000 cells per minute! Fetal brain development takes a large part of the total energy a mother puts into her baby’s development.

The total energy cost to create a new brain is approximately 40,000 kilocalories at the end of pregnancy. That’s more than half the total energy cost. This is confirmed by studies such as that published in 1981 in the journal Progress in Lipid Research (available in English).

So you see that the baby’s brain at this point, even before birth, depends on what its mother eats and does. It turns out that the mother’s gut can play an ally role in the development of the baby’s brain.

Pregnant woman in bed

Mother’s microbiome and child’s brain development

This is yet to be confirmed, but some researchers believe that infections in the gut during the first six months of pregnancy increase the risk of a baby’s brain dysfunction. This is indicated, among others, by research such as that published in 2018 by The American Journal of Maternal / Child Nursing (available in English).

If this is true, then you should consider using strategies to protect against it. They would focus on monitoring the health of the gut microbiome through the use of controlled diets, prebiotics and probiotics (i.e. foods that help keep it in good condition).

Diabetes mellitus can affect the development of the fetal brain

Other studies, such as the one published in 2018 in JAMA magazine (available in English), revealed that the development of diabetes (type I or type II) is a risk factor that increases the likelihood of a child developing autism.

Researchers conducted a study on children by tracking their development during the first few years of their lives. They recorded those who developed autism and found that their mothers suffered from gestational diabetes type I or II.

The results revealed that a child’s risk of developing autism was increased by 62% in pregnant women with diabetes. However, it is clear why they are related.

Poor diet and junk food increase the incidence of type II diabetes. However, there are also unavoidable forms of diabetes, such as type I diabetes.

Pregnant woman eating salad - the mother's microbiome
A pregnant woman must follow a balanced diet.

Omega fatty acids and the risk of ADHD

A study by Spanish scientists, published in 2019, showed that the diet used during pregnancy may have an impact on the risk of developing ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Its symptoms usually appear around the age of 7.

In the above-mentioned study, researchers analyzed the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids that would be consumed by expectant mothers during pregnancy. Both of them  play a key role in the development of the fetal brain and its functioning throughout life.

However, getting the right amount of these fatty acids is most important during pregnancy. The consumption of omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids must be proportional (the correct ratio is 3 to 1).

Omega 6 fatty acids are found especially in seeds, grains and meats, and therefore in vegetable oils. In turn, omega 3 fatty acids are found in large amounts in fatty fish and other marine products.

The results of this study indicate a relationship between omega 6 and omega 3 disproportions and an increased risk of developing ADHD around the age of 7.

Moreover, researchers emphasize that a proper diet during pregnancy can reduce the risk of developing ADHD in the long term.

Nuts work great during the first three months of pregnancy

According to a study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology (available in English), consuming nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, pistachios, pine nuts, etc.) in the first three months of pregnancy improves attention, memory and learning in children.

The benefits of eating nuts are mainly related to the high amount of key fatty acids (omega 6 and omega 3) contained in them and a high content of microminerals and vitamins B9. They also exert a significant influence on the development of the fetal brain, especially during this crucial stage.

Interestingly, the same benefits for neuropsychological development in the baby were not present in mothers who consumed nuts in excess during the last three months of pregnancy.

Pregnant woman eating nuts - the mother's microbiome

The mother’s microbiome plays a significant role, so caesarean section is not the best procedure

Historical developments and advances in cesarean delivery techniques and logistics have reduced the risks to mother and child associated with this procedure. At the same time, they increased the number of women using this technique without any medical evidence.

This situation is problematic because caesarean section can affect the health of babies born with it. This is confirmed by research published in 2013 in the Medical Archives magazine .

According to this study, when a baby is born via caesarean section, the mother’s “good” microbiome does not enter the baby’s body. This is because it usually passes from the birth canals and the anus. However, bad bacteria are often present and can harm your baby’s immune system.

The “good” bacteria in a naturally born baby stimulate the white blood cells. As well as other components of the newborn’s immune system. This is the basis of the hypothesis that explains the clear link between mortality and cesarean delivery.

Pregnant women are often extremely careful and want to give their baby the best. There is no doubt that “good” gut bacteria are a great ally to help you achieve this goal. Therefore, take care of your intestines.

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