First Aid For Water Burns

They happen very often during everyday household chores. Simply putting a pot of water to boil can turn into a truly dangerous situation and even a tragedy if there are children at home.
First aid in case of burns with water

First aid for water burns is basic knowledge that each of us should have. How often it happens that at dinner a loved one is poured with hot tea, we want to wash our hands, and water flows from under the tap, much warmer than we expected. In the kitchen, however, burns with boiling water are almost the order of the day.

In today’s article you will learn what first aid should be in similar cases. Don’t miss out on this information, you never know when it might become useful!

First aid for burns

Before treating wounds resulting from a water burn, first realize that they are classified into three different grades.

Types of burns

Sprinkle water on the burns

First degree burns

It covers the epidermis and part of the dermis. They show redness, swelling and slight pain. Symptoms disappear after 7 days, and after about 2 weeks the skin returns to its normal appearance.

Second degree burns

These burns are slightly more severe than the first degree burns because, in addition to covering the epidermis, the entire thickness of the dermis is also damaged. As a result, blisters and inflammation appear. The pain that accompanies them is very intense. The blisters burst spontaneously after about a week.

Wounds heal fully after 3 weeks. In some cases, the skin in this area remains lighter or darker.

Third degree burns

They are the most severe burn class and require immediate medical first aid. The burn penetrates all layers of the skin and is accompanied by unbearable pain.

Water burns

They happen very often during everyday household chores. Simply putting a pot of water to boil can turn into a truly dangerous situation and even a tragedy if there are children at home.

Cases where the youngest are seriously injured as a result of burns with boiling water are not unique at all. Therefore, it is important to be careful and place the hot water pots away from the edges of the tables.

Sprinkle water on the burns

If the hot water only sprinkles on us and the contact with it covers a small area of ​​the skin, it will only cause minor pain, which will disappear after a while. To alleviate the unpleasant feeling, you can apply cold water to the burn for about 5 minutes.

However, if the burn is more serious, cold water will also work, but then it should be used for a long time. For second-degree burns, this time must be at least 15 minutes.

There are different treatment options depending on the burn site. For example, you can wrap the area with a wet towel or apply a little ice in a plastic bag (never directly on the skin).

First aid for burned skin

As the wound cools, it is recommended that the damage caused by the burn be assessed. If the pain continues after a few minutes and the area is starting to get redder and redder, including blisters, consider going to the point where professional first aid will be provided.

If symptoms begin to improve, you can resort to home treatment. Reach for a piece of cloth or gauze and moisten it with water. Wrap the affected area with the burn and leave it on for 30 minutes, up to 1 hour. If necessary, change the dressing and apply a new one.

Child first aid burn

This will prevent the burned area from coming into contact with objects and surfaces that could further damage it.

Aloe vera is one of the best natural remedies for the effects of burns on the skin. It is often used for sunburn, but it can also be used in accidents involving oil or hot water. Aloe vera should be in your home so that the first aid goes much faster.

It is enough then to break off one of the leaves and extract its flesh.

This sticky substance has many properties that restore proper hydration to the skin. Apply the preparation to the burned area of ​​skin and let it act until it dries. You can wrap the site with sterile gauze, but it is advisable that the wound “breathes”.

Serious burns – when to go to the hospital?

Suppose a pot of boiling water falls over you. It is possible that the clothes you are wearing will stick to your skin. In no case do not try to peel it off by your own means. Only wet your clothes with cold water and go to the hospital as soon as possible.
There, first aid will be provided to you in a professional manner and all stuck clothes will be carefully removed.

The wound can be bandaged during the day so that it is not damaged, but also left without dressing at appropriate times, so that the place can breathe. If your bladder is large, we recommend that you see your doctor.

Boiling water

If the bladder is very painful and there is a lot of pressure in it and it is not allowing it to function normally, you may need to make a small puncture to get rid of the fluid inside. Be especially careful when doing this and always have hydrogen peroxide at hand. Pierce the bladder on one side (never in the middle) and drain the liquid from the inside.

How to treat a burn at home:

It applies to first and second degree burns. After you finish soaking the burn area:

  • apply a little petroleum jelly and put on a gauze dressing
  • wear the dressing for the first day without tightening too much
  • take a painkiller (e.g. Ibuprom)
  • change dressings at night, allow the wound to breathe during the day
  • moisten the dressing before removing it so that it does not stick to the wound
  • after 7 days, clean the burn area and remove dead skin with gauze and hydrogen peroxide (without using force)

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