Child – 8 Things We Shouldn’t Do With Him

There are many myths about caring for a child. Many of them can mislead mothers looking after their first child. Find out what you should never do with your baby.
Baby - 8 things we shouldn't do with him

Being a mother is a complicated task and the most important thing you should know is what you shouldn’t be doing with him. Thanks to love and patience, you will go through this stage of life in an exemplary manner. During pregnancy, you are still inundated with advice from mothers and grandmothers, which does not mean that they are infallible and know how to properly raise a baby.

It is true that being a mother is hard work, especially for the first time, but it is not an impossible thing. With the right information and practice, you will raise your child to be a healthy and happy person.

On the other hand, when it comes to upbringing, there are things we should never do.

The baby and the things we shouldn’t do with him

1. Let him cry for a long time

As a mother, you certainly have times when you are extremely busy. However, remember that your baby needs constant care and tries to communicate with you and signal something by crying. Crying is his only way to express his needs.

Letting your baby cry for long periods of time can be harmful. They will feel tremendous anxiety, which will only cause an inflated level of stress, dependence, a sense of insecurity and possible negative impact on their emotional and intellectual development.

A child is crying

However, if you are constantly ready to communicate with your baby, you will only strengthen his bond and confidence in himself. In the future, he will not be a man with low self-esteem, but rather a self-confident person.

2. Putting him on his stomach to bed

People used to say that when prone position helps to get rid of unnecessary gas and prevents suffocation from vomiting. However, today’s knowledge says the opposite; in fact, it only increases the likelihood of accidental asphyxiation. It is best to put your baby on his back to avoid unnecessary risk.

3. Leaving the child alone unattended

It is a serious mistake to think that your baby is too small to move around. However, the most common cause of falls is precisely when the parents leave the child on a table or other similar surface. It is very easy for a child to roll and be hurt.

4. Shaking or pushing the baby

Parents often shake their children while they are playing or to calm them down. Sometimes it works, but the damage may be irreversible.

Shaking or pushing a toddler can make him feel so bad. shaken baby syndrome. It is a condition defined as a trauma when the brain moves inside the skull. This can cause:

  • Injuries and hemorrhages
  • Blindness
  • Hearing loss and speech impairment
  • Neck injuries
  • Irreversible brain damage
  • Death

5. Physical punishment

His confidence will drop and he won’t feel safe around his parents. Poor intellectual development and low motivation to learn new things are also possible consequences of such treatment.

6. Avoiding reflection

You need to make sure your baby has a rebound after eating to let out the gases that have accumulated while eating. If you do not do this, your baby may feel pain, leading to crying and difficulty falling asleep.

7. Feeding him with various products

It’s a fairly common mistake to feed your baby anything other than breast milk or foods recommended by a doctor. The baby’s digestive system is still developing in the first months of life.

Eating baby

Therefore, feeding him with something else may cause allergies or intolerance to certain ingredients.


8. Allowing contact with bacteria and viruses

The next thing you should never do with your baby is hold it or touch it with unwashed hands. You should wash your hands several times a day. In this way, you will effectively avoid diseases spread by bacteria and viruses.

It is equally important to keep your child away from people who have even a mild cold, because if your child becomes infected, it could eventually develop into something more serious, such as pneumonia, bronchitis or other respiratory diseases.


We suggest that you ask for advice directly from a specialist whenever you have doubts about what you should or shouldn’t do with your baby. Thanks to this, you will avoid mistakes and contradictory information.

If you are worried about how to properly care for your baby, don’t hesitate to ask more experienced people. However, the most important thing is to give them a lot of love and ensure their safety.

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