Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria – How To Fight It?

Helicobacter pylori bacteria - how to fight it?

The bacterium  Helicobacter pylori  is known to cause a variety of diseases such as stomach ulcers, gastritis, and more.

Based on research, it is estimated that about two-thirds of the human population in the world are infected with Helicobacter pylori. B akteria is characterized by a great ease of transmission from person to person. Sometimes, however, there are no symptoms or problems.

Fortunately, there are many ways to combat this bacteria. We will tell you about them.

Fight Helicobacter Pilori with home remedies

If you suffer from ailments such as stomach ulcers or gastritis due to Helicobacter pylori bacteria, we recommend that you use the natural methods described later in this article. You will eliminate this bacteria from your body and improve your health.

Trifoliate Lippa Oil

The Trifoliate Lippia is a plant that belongs to the grass family. Lippia has beneficial effects on the digestive system and is also great for treating flatulence.

According to various studies, trifoliate lippa oil can help you get rid of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, because it is not resistant to its components. It is worth a try.


Propolis is known as a natural antibiotic and bactericide that has the ability to strengthen the body’s immune system. It fights infections and heals problems like gastritis.

The food, which is also known as bee resin, is a substance used by these insects to protect their hives from all sorts of infections. We assure you that thanks to its properties, propolis has the ability to effectively eliminate Helicobacter pylori bacteria.


This plant is known all over the world for its numerous healing properties that are especially beneficial for your digestive system. It is recommended to eat ginger to relieve the symptoms of excess stomach acid as well as combat nausea, dizziness, stomach problems, ulcers, etc.


In addition to having bactericidal properties, some experts believe that ginger may be effective in killing the bacteria in question.

White cabbage

This product also has properties that help fight and get rid of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. However, there is one condition. You have to reach for it raw.

Like broccoli, it can cause flatulence, but if this is the case, try eating cabbage in small amounts to help you deal with these ailments more easily. To eat the cabbage, you can prepare a salad of finely chopped cabbage leaves with a little vinegar and lemon dressing.

Another option is to squeeze fresh juice out of it, which then needs to be diluted with water.


This dietary component can help us fight Helicobacter pylori bacteria. It owes its beneficial properties to the high content of the nutrient sulforaphane. Numerous scientific studies have shown unequivocally that frequent consumption of broccoli eliminates bacteria. So go ahead and reach for them.

Green vegetables

The same ingredient that eliminates Helicobacter also prevents the development of gastric cancer. Some of the problems with consuming broccoli are its tendency to cause gas.

Fortunately, there are various methods to reduce these undesirable ailments, one of the most popular is cooking broccoli and mixing it with cumin and ginger.


This Asian spice is full of valuable healing properties. They have been the subject of much research over the past few years. No wonder, because it is very beneficial for us.

For stomach problems, turmeric is used to treat dyspepsia. It is a disease that includes many other digestive and digestive disorders, such as gas, bloating, stomach problems, nausea, or gas.

In addition, the properties of turmeric stimulate the secretion of gastric juices. They also protect the stomach walls by preventing the growth of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. However, experts recommend consuming turmeric in moderation.

Other ingredients that help fight Helicobacter pylori

  • In order to fight this bacterium effectively, it is best to increase your consumption of food products with strong antibacterial properties. Products such as garlic, onion, Echinacea, ginger, thyme, rosemary, mint and honey are valuable.
  • Other products that may help include probiotics containing lactophilus and bifidus bacteria. Although they do not destroy Helicobacter pylori, they can inhibit its development. They counteract headaches, morning sickness and indigestion. This, in turn, brings a lot of relief.
  • People who do not complain of stomach ulcers or gastritis but have suffered from a bacterial infection can drink lemon or pineapple juice, as well as apple cider vinegar.
  • People infected with the Helicobacter pylori bacterium should try to exclude certain foods from their daily diet, such as sugars, refined flour and rice. Instead, focus on increasing the amount of fruit, vegetables, and water you drink.
  • You can also prepare yourself a drink with alkaline characteristics. It’s easy. Just mix raw potato, celery and carrots with a blender. Then drink this drink before each meal.

Do you have problems due to the presence of the bacteria in question? Be sure to try our proposed solutions. You will feel relieved soon.

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