Liver – Causes And Effects Of Failure

Symptoms of liver failure often appear only when the problem is well advanced. Therefore, it is important to recognize the first symptoms in order to seek specialist advice as soon as possible and avoid serious health complications.
Liver - causes and effects of failure

When the liver loses its ability to function properly, the liver becomes unable to function properly. It is a problem that increases over time and can cause serious damage to this organ and our body.

The liver weakens gradually, and it may take months or even years before it is diagnosed as liver failure.

Overall, liver failure can be divided into two types: acute and chronic.

Acute failure occurs in a relatively short time, while the chronic form of the disease is the result of a slow weakening of the organ under the influence of various factors.

Liver – causes of failure

As with many other conditions, liver failure can have many different causes. It is worth knowing what are the main reasons for its weakening in order to avoid serious health problems.

Below we present the most common causes of liver failure.

1. The presence of viruses in the body

In everyday life, we come into contact with a whole host of factors that can have a negative effect on the liver. They also include viruses that can reach the body through various routes.

Liver failure

The viruses that have the most damaging effects on liver function are the herpes virus and the virus that causes hepatitis A, B, and E.

2. Taking excessive amounts of medication

While taking the right medication prescribed by a doctor is highly recommended, excessive consumption of medication can lead to liver failure.

Particular attention should be paid to measures such as:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Antibiotics
  • Contraceptives

Some people on their own increase the dose or frequency of taking a drug when they find that the drug is not working well.

Instead of making such a decision yourself, consult your doctor and ask about the possibility of changing the dosage or prescribing an alternative medication.

3. Eating foods that harm the liver

Some commonly used food products contain toxins, which in higher amounts may have a detrimental effect on the body and the functioning of certain systems and organs.

One of the most popular toxin-containing foods is fungi. If you eat them often and take large amounts of medication, you increase the likelihood of liver failure.

mushrooms, mushrooms and the liver

5. Alcohol abuse

It is generally assumed that the safe limit for health is two glasses of alcohol a day.

If you are in a situation where you plan to drink more than the amount mentioned above, try to drink two glasses of water for every glass of alcoholic beverage.

Liver – symptoms of failure

Now that you know the most common causes of liver failure, we want to talk about the symptoms associated with this condition.

Remember that these symptoms become noticeable only after this organ is seriously damaged, so it is so important to be vigilant and notice the first signs of a weakening of the liver.

liver doctor

Here are the most common symptoms of its failure:

1. Change in skin color

When the liver is so weakened that it fails, the patient’s skin turns yellow. This is because there is an excessive amount of bilirubin in the skin.

As a weakened liver cannot keep up with the breakdown of bilirubin, this ingredient accumulates in large amounts in the blood and turns the skin yellow.

2. Abdominal pain

One of the first symptoms of liver failure is pain in the abdomen. It is caused by inflammation of the liver and is often severe.

woman stomach ache, and liver

3. Indigestion

As the liver is gradually damaged, it can produce less and less bile. This has a huge impact on the body because bile is essential for the proper digestion of food.

When bile levels decline, some nutrients are not broken down properly, which can lead to digestive and excretory discomfort.

4. Light color of the stool

Not only does bile help to break down food properly in the digestive system, it also makes your stools brown. If you notice that your stools are very light in color, check that your liver is functioning properly.

5. Jaundice

If someone is diagnosed with jaundice, it is obvious that they have liver problems. The skin of those affected turns yellow. The same thing happens with the whites of the eyes.

problems with defecation, the work of the liver

Liver failure must be treated as soon as possible as this disease can lead to serious health complications.

Try to change harmful habits, and if you notice any symptoms of a weakened liver, be sure to see a doctor.

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