Remedies For Ingrown Nails

Ways for ingrown nails

Ingrown toenails are a painful problem. It most commonly occurs when the corner of the nail splits and grows into the skin, causing the skin to become red and inflamed. Ingrown toenails are the most common condition of the biggest toes, or the big toes, although it can also affect the other toes.

Ingrown nails – what is the cause of them?

  • Wrong way of cutting nails. If we cut toenails in such a way that we round them, we give them an unnatural shape and disturb their growth. The nails should be cut straight, which allows them to grow freely and prevents them from splitting and growing into the skin.
  • Wearing too tight shoes or high-heeled shoes. It also negatively affects the growth of nails, provoking their ingrowth.
  • Inadequate foot cleaning. If we do not clean our feet, it causes the dirt to accumulate under the nail plate and may cause them to grow up.
  • Risk of damage to the toes. This may be the case when practicing a sport or profession. This situation can also cause ingrown nails.


  • Severe pain in the toe
  • Deep redness at the top of the finger
  • Swelling around the nail
  • Hypersensitivity and inflammation
  • An infection may appear

Home remedies for ingrown toenails

  • We put crushed garlic on the sick finger. We wrap the finger covered with garlic in a bandage so that it does not move and leave it overnight.
  • Another effective way is to soak the affected finger in a little onion juice.
  • We can also soak the finger with the ingrown toenail in warm salt water. Remember that for this method to work, you need to cover your finger for the whole night.
  • Soaking a sick finger is the most effective home remedy for ingrown toenails. A solution of half a liter of warm water and a little calendula tincture can be very helpful.
  • Soak the finger in this solution for thirty minutes, then wrap it in sterile gauze. We leave it wrapped overnight and we will notice an improvement the very next day.
  • Heat the sliced ​​lemon on the stove, then make a hole in it large enough to fit the sick finger in it, leave it for twenty minutes. Lemon will help relieve pain.
  • Finally, so that the infection does not appear and the ingrown nail comes out of the skin more easily, carrots will help. First, we need to wash it and peel it, then cut it and place it in the indicated place. Carrots should be left for at least an hour or two.
chopped onion

Special instructions for proper nail growth

  • Always cut your nails straight. Remember that the nail plate should end in the form of a square, not an oval (when the nails are rounded, they tend to ingrow).
  • Let’s soak our feet in warm water, it will help ease the pain in the sore toe. If we do this several times a day, for half an hour, it will ease the pain and make it easier to remove the nail from the skin.
  • Let’s wear the right footwear. Shoes should be wide enough in the forefoot so that the toes have enough room. However, their height should not exceed two and a half centimeters.
Feet and Ingrown Toenails
  • When we are at home, wear sandals or open-toed shoes – it will speed up healing.
  • With a sick finger, be careful not to stumble. A blow will only worsen its condition (the nail can go deeper into the skin) and we will feel great pain. We should pay special attention to this when we wear sandals.
  • Let us consult a specialist. This is especially true for people with diabetes, if they discover the first symptom of an ingrown toenail, they should see a doctor, as this can cause serious complications due to poor blood circulation.

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