7 Tricks To Reduce Belly Size Without Sacrifice

Each of us has heard many times what it takes to achieve the effect of a flat stomach. A balanced diet that provides all the nutrients and the necessary physical activity. The combination of these two ingredients will achieve the expected results.
7 painless tips for a flat stomach

The method for a flat stomach is not based on one single panacea, there is no such thing ‘; is a compilation of several factors. Modifying your diet and lifestyle, as well as taking into account several other factors, will help you look healthy and get rid of the striking belly.

Does a method for a flat stomach have to be full of sacrifices and pain? Yes and no. There are a whole lot of indirect measures that can bring us closer to the desired effect, non-invasively. Without starving ourselves and torturing ourselves with exercises that we are not used to.

Are you ready to learn 7 painless tips that will help you on your way to a slim figure and eliminate excess belly fat? You will find them in this article.

First of all, you must remember that the effect you will achieve depends only on the effort you put in on the way to success. There are no magic solutions without your participation. You should be patient and remember about the consequences, because even the best plan will not bring results overnight.

The way to get a flat stomach at its base has perseverance and willpower. Do not worry! The goal is at your fingertips.

1. Consume diuretics – it’s a great way to get a flat stomach

What are diuretics? These are foods and diuretics. Extremely important during a slimming diet. It happens that the last imperfections are related to water retention in the body. This leads to a bloated and less attractive belly.

Sliced ​​pineapple

In addition, the properties of these ingredients enhance the functions of the lymphatic system, which is crucial in removing toxins and optimizing metabolism. Which diuretics are the most recommended?

  • Celery and onion broth
  • Pineapple juice
  • Celery Cocktail
  • Parsley infusion
  • Watermelon eaten on an empty stomach
  • Onion salad
  • Artichoke infusion

2. Eat only wholesome foods

All food plans that recommend excluding carbohydrates from your diet – we should throw them away if we want to find an effective way to get a flat stomach. These macronutrients are the main source of energy for the body and have a positive effect on many of its functions.

However, good carbohydrates provide us with dietary fiber and essential nutrients that will be useful to speed up metabolism and support digestive processes as well as satisfy the ravenous appetite.

So when you have a choice between specific products, choose the ones listed below:

  • Common oats
  • Whole grain bread
  • Rye flour
  • Wheat sprouts
  • Cornflakes

3. Drink olive oil

There is no painless way to get a flat stomach without a properly balanced diet. In addition to consuming protein and carbohydrates, we need to provide the right amount of foods rich in healthy fats.

You probably think of dairy products or meat saturated with fat? Not necessarily!

Olive oil is the way to get a flat stomach

You can reach out to the source and consume olive oil. This heroine of the Mediterranean diet contains vitamin E and fatty acids that will help to take care of the cardiovascular system.

It is enough to take a few tablespoons a day, even on an empty stomach. Perfect for whole grain bread.

4. The method for a flat stomach – fresh vegetables

What is the best ally in the fight against excess belly fat? They are fresh vegetables, full of nutrients and support the proper functioning of the metabolism. They also have properties that allow the elimination of fluid and toxins retained in the body. 

Another important element is the richness in dietary fiber and digestive enzymes, which stimulate the functioning of the intestines, thus avoiding constipation problems. Most importantly, they are extremely filling, so we do not need to snack between meals.

5. Peanut snacks

Just imagine how much can change when you replace unhealthy snack bars or crisps with nutritious nuts. To calm the appetite between meals and not to waste all the work of a slim figure: enjoy the nuts.


Here it is worth mentioning that all meals are eaten more often and in smaller portions. Eating 5 smaller meals a day will help you achieve the desired effect faster. 

6. Physical activity

At the very beginning, we want to emphasize: physical exercise does not have to be painful and invasive.

Fighting belly fat doesn’t have to involve complicated, complex training plans. Of course, it takes a lot of effort, but there are ways to make it free of suffering.

Of course, constant physical activity is the best practice to achieve a flat stomach and a slender body. It is an excellent dietary supplement. It also helps keep your muscles and bones in good shape. Don’t you wanna hear about the gym? We present you with alternative solutions.

  • Swimming
  • Home exercises
  • Bicycle
  • Walks
  • Yoga and Pilates
  • Zumba and dance lessons
  • Non-invasive abdominal exercises (e.g. traditional crunches)

7. A way to get a flat stomach: reduce the consumption of sugar and sodium

Foods rich in sugar and sodium most often increase the body mass index and disrupt the proper functioning of the body . Many foods that are rich in these two compounds seem harmless, but by increasing the sugar level, you increase the risk of becoming overweight.

It certainly won’t help you get a flat stomach before your vacation!


The consequences of consuming excess sugar and sodium include: higher levels of fat in the abdominal area as well as fluid retention in the body.

So avoid all artificial foods that contain high amounts of salt and sugar. You can also carry out the so-called sugar detox, i.e. limiting the consumption of only simple sugars, without the elimination of complex carbohydrates.

Products to Avoid:

  • Meats and sausages
  • Candy and confectionery
  • Salted snacks
  • Prepared and processed foods
  • Ice cream and milkshakes
  • Artificial juices and colorful sodas

Tip: use aromatic spices instead of salt. Cranberry, onion, garlic, thyme, curry, paprika, ginger or oregano are great for meats. Do not put the salt shaker on the table during meals and if you must: choose salt with a low sodium content. Remember: sodium makes your body store water.

In conclusion, what’s the best way to get a flat stomach? For the process to be painless, you need to take into account many factors and small changes in your lifestyle. Even if the changes take place on many levels – you will not notice when they become a habit, and you will certainly notice a slim figure and a dream flat stomach.

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