Our Relationship Has Failed And Nothing Will Happen Again

Fear of being left alone, of abandonment, of not finding anyone else, of losing an opportunity … We fear our own beliefs that destroy our relationships instead of allowing ourselves to experience them wisely.
Our relationship has failed and nothing will happen again

Although our relationship did not work out, I never got the luxury of enjoying memories and missing you, but nevertheless I took a step forward and learned to live without you.

Our relationship didn’t work out, but that didn’t stop me from continuing my path. Although it wasn’t quite like that. After breaking up, I broke down, thought I was falling into a bottomless pit.

However, it was due to my beliefs. Those who shouted “You are all alone!”, “Nobody will ever love you!”

Words I couldn’t deal with because they took over my mind and there was no way I could get rid of them. After a long time of meditating, psychotherapy and seeing myself as a complete human being, I finally let you go.

Despite the fact that relationships are falling apart, life goes on and I was no exception.

Our relationship didn’t work out, but that didn’t stop me

Our relationship didn’t work out and at first it felt like I was stepping into a dark, painful room. I struggled with each stage. First, I have never ceased to deny that everyday reality will help me accept everything at once.

One day, very exhausted, I let my anger win over me and blamed you for everything. I was sick of feeling awful. It was your fault! Or so I thought. In this second stage, I spent more time than necessary.

It was a desperate attempt to keep you with me because without you I felt insecure and couldn’t go on. I started to stop doing my favorite activities. I didn’t like them as much as before.

Couple by the sea at sunset


It’s been a long time and now I’m glad you left and didn’t give in to emotional blackmail because now I had no choice but to face the facts and accept reality. In this way, the door of acceptance allowed me to leave this dark, painful room that I had gladly stayed in for a long time.

Life passed by until I finally got tired of it all, and maybe I had no other choice.

I could stay in place, stay in front of a closed door, or open it once and for all. I opened it… Then I realized our relationship wasn’t working, but that doesn’t mean my life is going in a blind direction.

What happened to our relationship?

Ownership, addiction, yours, mine … As is often said, the word “love” is highly overrated in many relationships.

We are constantly thinking about how to control the other person in a relationship. That it belongs only to us. This is why jealousy arises, we deprive our partner of his liberties, using wonderful technology to strengthen our control over the situation.

With who did you talk? When did you stop talking? Why did you add this person to your favorites? Will you talk to her? About what?

Obsessive thoughts drive us crazy and affect our imaginations, telling us what could be or what could happen. Let us not forget that self-fulfilling prophecies are most important to us.

Think of relationships like the ones we have with our parents, siblings and friends… What do they have in common? We do not impose ourselves or keep at a distance.

We are happy when they decide to pursue what makes them happy. In romantic relationships, we don’t. We don’t do this because we are afraid.

A desperate couple

Fear of being left alone, of being abandoned, of not finding anyone else, of losing a chance … We fear our own beliefs that destroy our relationships, rather than allowing ourselves to experience them wisely.

We know what happens when we cling to something out of fear. We lose it in the end anyway. Well, the same thing happens with relationships. Nothing is given to us for eternity.

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