Five Exercises To Strengthen The Knees And Reduce Pain

While we may feel that we are hurting our knees when we do some exercises, we actually make them stronger and gradually improve their overall condition.
How to strengthen your knees without leaving home?

The knees are joints with a very complex structure, which are particularly susceptible to various injuries and contusions, especially when we enter adulthood and our body slowly begins to age.

Although the knees are naturally protected by ligaments, tendons and fluids, their constant movement and daily overload can lead to excessive wear of the joint, and thus the formation of frequent and often painful inflammation within it.

The main problem with the knees is that all kinds of damage and injuries have a very negative effect on the freedom of movement and, over time, lead to a significant reduction in the quality of everyday life: they make it difficult to walk, kneel, make us stop practicing sports, cause pain when climbing or descending up the stairs …

While there are many different specialized treatments available today to relieve stressed knee joints, prevention is always better than cure. Try to change some habits and take better care of your knees.

In addition, permanently introduce into your daily routine exercises that will naturally and effectively strengthen the knee joints. They are simple and you can easily make them in your own home!

1. Step, that is climbing stairs, on strong knees

Step is a popular device that is used in almost every aerobic session. It is a height adjustable platform designed to replace a staircase, bench or any other hard surface.

The exercise consisting in getting in and out of the steppe excellently puts in motion almost all the muscles of the legs. However, it is much more effective than ordinary walking or jogging, because it focuses mainly on strengthening the knee joint and stimulating its proper hydration.

Step for knee health
How should the exercise be performed?
  • For the correct implementation of the exercise, we will need something like a step or a low bench. For this purpose, you can get a professional step (you can buy it at any sports store) or prepare an improvised step (brick, solid wooden box, kitchen steps or simply use a single step in the floor).
  • Start climbing the “stair” and then descend. Try to raise your knees as high as possible, trying to touch your chest with them. Hold the position for about two seconds and then drop both feet to the floor.
  • Repeat the exercise with each knee alternately. Do three sets of fifteen repetitions.

2. Forward lunges

Lunges are a popular exercise in training to strengthen the muscles in the legs and buttocks. In addition, it perfectly tones the muscles and strengthens the knee joints – not only relaxes them, but also helps to maintain their full fitness and health for many years.

How should the exercise be performed?
  • Stand up straight with your neck stretched upwards and your arms hanging freely along your torso.
  • Then, lunge one foot forward by bending it at the knee to form an invisible line between the knee and the tips of your toes. It should be perfectly perpendicular to the ground.
  • The other leg stays stretched back as if the knee would touch the ground.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  • Make fifteen lunges with each foot. Complete the three series of exercises in their entirety.

3. Pulling your knees up to your chest

The exercise to pull the knees to the chest not only helps to strengthen the overall condition of the musculoskeletal system, it also perfectly tones the abdominal muscles and helps to naturally relieve pain in the lower back.

The exercise for bringing your knees to your chest can be done in many different ways. For the sake of your knees, we offer you a child’s play, but effective version of this exercise.

Pulling your knees up to your chest
How should the exercise be performed?
  • Roll out a mat or towel on the floor and lie on your back, keeping your spine perfectly straight. Your arms are stretched freely along the torso.
  • Then bend both legs at the knees and pull them towards your chest as much as you can.
  • If you want, you can alternately bend your knees and bring only one of them to your chest.
  • Keep your knees pressed against your chest for about five seconds, then come back to the starting position.
  • Do three or four sets of fifteen repetitions.

4. Stretching the quadriceps

How should the exercise be performed?
  • Stand up straight and look straight ahead.
  • Grasp the tips of the toes with your hand and press the heel against the buttock. Try to keep your knees to you and gently “pull” the bent knee backwards to stretch the quadriceps as much as possible.
  • Place your other hand on your hips or use it to support your body against a wall, table or chair backrest. This will make it easier for you to keep your balance.
  • Hold the pose for ten seconds, then relax your muscles, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  • Do three sets of twelve repetitions.

5. Squats

Przysiady is an exercise known to everyone, for example from school PE. Contrary to appearances, this is not only a form of warm-up before training. In fact, all types of squats keep the leg muscles in perfect condition and have a very beneficial effect on the appearance of the buttocks.

What’s more, regular squatting helps to strengthen the knees and keeps the knee joints in good condition, thanks to which they remain functional for many years.

Girl doing squats
How should the exercise be performed?
  • Stand straight with your legs hip-width apart. Gently bend your legs at the knees.
  • Extend your straight arms forward while lowering your buttocks towards the floor. In practice, this exercise looks just like you are about to sit on an invisible chair.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds (the better the shape of your legs and knees, the longer you will be able to sit in the squat position). At the same time, try to keep your knees from overhanging the toes. Generally, there should be a straight line between them at an angle of ninety degrees to the floor.
  • Do three sets of 12-15 repetitions.

At the end

Are you experiencing knee pain more and more? Are you worried that you are gradually losing shape and unable to move with the same freedom as you used to? – Be sure to start taking care of the health and condition of the knee joints. Thanks to a few simple exercises, you will perfectly strengthen your knees and prevent their premature wear.

You don’t have to spend a fortune on special classes in the gym to strengthen your knees. You can successfully start exercising yourself and improve the condition of your knees. Thanks to them, you will not only strengthen the efficiency and strength, but also improve the health of all other muscle groups and joints in the lower limbs.

Try to do the above exercises correctly and carefully. If you do them quickly and carelessly, you will put your knees at risk of injury, injury or damage. The effects of such exercises will turn out to be completely opposite to the expected ones.

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