Japanese Diet: Oriental, Slimming And Healthy

Japanese diet: oriental, slimming and healthy

Have you ever heard that the  Japanese  diet  is a great way to lose weight? If not, you should know that the results of many studies clearly show the benefits of this type of diet. Fresh products, small portions, vegetables, rice and fish … All this means that the Japanese diet  can help you achieve your dream weight and figure. What more would you like to know about the diet straight from Japan?

Japanese diet and its secrets

1. A long-lived society with no obesity problem

Statistics show that people in Japan do live longer. This phenomenon is caused not only by the Japanese lifestyle, but also by a diet rich in such delicacies as teriyaki and sushi. Although the Japanese are said to be a workaholics nation, they know how to rest reasonably, enjoy the beauty of nature, what relaxation techniques to use and what to eat to live a healthy life every day.


It is easy to see that there are practically no overweight people on Japanese streets. Indeed, in Japan, only 3% of women struggle with obesity, so the question itself is: how do they do it? Is raw salmon the key to success? Or maybe they are sesame seeds, which are considered to be a miraculous ingredient that gives strength and energy? Whatever the answer may be, the truth is that the Japanese just follow a few simple rules that you can follow in your daily life.

2. How do the Japanese eat?

  • For the Japanese, quality is important, not quantity, which is why they always eat small portions and freshly prepared dishes. The Japanese menu has no place for processed foods, fatty foods and microwave-reheated dishes. Food must be natural and fresh.
  • In Japan, it is eaten not only with the mouth, but also with the eyes. It is not only the taste that counts, but also the appearance of the dishes. Therefore, eating should be celebrated and one should not rush, because eating meals is supposed to be a pleasure in itself.
  • The Japanese do not eat dairy products, they also avoid bread and meat. In addition to these products, they value rice, vegetables, fruit and fish much more.
  • The most important meal of the day is breakfast. The day starts with a few different dishes that are a combination of rice, vegetables, eggs and soups, accompanied by green tea.

Basic products of the Japanese diet

  • Rice: The staple of  most Japanese dishes; brown rice is preferred.
  • Noodle:  Japanese specialty with such forms as udon, somen and ramen. They differ in thickness and preparation method, while all of them contain practically no carbohydrates. They can be a great complement to a gluten-free diet.
  • Fruits:  especially fuji apples, mandarins and persimmons. Sounds tasty, doesn’t it?
    A bowl of rice
  • Fish:  for example mackerel or salmon.
  • Soybeans, millet and tofu:  These are calcium and protein-rich foods that are great replacers for dairy. They lower cholesterol, prevent diabetes, and contain antioxidants, so they’re as tasty as they are healthy.
  • Green tea: a  must with every meal (and not only).
  • Vegetables: especially eggplant, mung beans, red beans, cabbage, mushrooms, pumpkin, ginger, potatoes, bamboo shoots, radish and seaweed.

An example of an oriental slimming diet

Below you will find an exemplary menu of the Japanese diet, including its most important principles and products. The Japanese diet  is not very demanding: meals are easy to prepare and very tasty. Remember that dishes should be fresh, and the aesthetic value of each dish and the enjoyment of eating are equally important. Play with colors and enjoy every bite!


  • tangerine
  • a bowl of miso bouillon : this is the perfect breakfast soup as it provides a lot of energy and almost no fat. To prepare it, you need: tuna broth, tofu, seaweed, chives and miso (aromatic soybean paste). Contrary to appearances, these ingredients can be quite easily obtained in special stores.
    Japanese soup for breakfast
  • a cup of green tea


  • sushi  with soy sauce
  • a bowl of pasta with mushrooms
    Japanese lunch
  • Apple
  • a cup of green tea


  •  sushi tray of different types of fish with soy sauce and wasabi (watch out for them, although it looks like an avocado it is very spicy!)
  • a bowl of brown rice
    The Japanese diet is very healthy
  • orange
  • a cup of green tea

However, the Japanese diet is not everything:  also remember that in other aspects it is also worth following the Japanese way of life. Try meditation, walk or choose a bike over a car, live in the moment and enjoy even the little things.

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