Green Apple, Cucumber And Ginger Juice For Weight Loss

In addition to taking advantage of the filling properties of apples and cucumbers, by adding ginger to this green juice, we will also be able to speed up the metabolism, which in turn will contribute to fat burning.
Green apple, cucumber and ginger juice for weight loss

Green juice  is a drink that has been extremely popular in recent years. It turns out that it is a source of valuable nutrients. It is also a perfect complement to slimming diets for all those who want to get rid of unnecessary kilograms.

Green juice  combines the properties of certain fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and contain a whole host of nutrients. These, in turn, positively affect not only the work of our entire body, but also the appearance of our figure.

On this occasion, we would like to offer you green juice of apple, cucumber and ginger. These are three ingredients that are extremely beneficial for our body, which will help us lose unnecessary kilograms.

While this is obviously not a miracle drink for effortless weight loss, you will be surprised how effective it is and how quickly you will see first results.

Why does green juice help you lose weight?

Green apple and measuring tape

Properties of an apple in weight loss

On the other hand, these fruits are low in sodium, calories and fat and therefore are a valuable part of your diet.

The fiber contained in apples plays an important role. It helps us lose weight because it keeps us full for longer. Moreover, the minerals and vitamins in these fruits provide energy, which is the key factor in burning calories throughout the day.

In addition, apple helps fight fluid retention, regulates the level of “bad cholesterol” and provides large amounts of valuable enzymes, which contributes to even more efficient absorption of nutrients.

Properties of cucumber in weight loss

Cucumber is a product that is often used in weight loss diets. This is because it has strong cleansing properties. This product is low in calories, fat and 95% water.

It also contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are great for weight loss diets and help maintain overall health.

Due to its cleansing properties, it effectively helps to get rid of toxins and waste from our body, perfectly fighting fluid retention. It is a product filling and supporting digestive processes.

Properties of ginger in weight loss

Ginger is a root plant with numerous medicinal properties, thanks to which it has been popular all over the world for years. While ginger is typically used to prevent and treat disease and ailments, it was discovered some time ago that it also helps with healthy weight loss.

It helps to speed up our metabolism, improves digestion, fights abdominal swelling, and moreover, helps us control cholesterol levels in the body.

Green juice for weight loss – how to prepare it?

Now that we know the valuable properties of all the ingredients in this green juice for weight loss, it’s time to prepare it. It’s very easy and fast. The more you drink it, the sooner you will notice positive results. However, be sure to drink it regularly.

Cucumber, apple and ginger


  • 1 green apple
  • 1 cucumber
  • teaspoon of grated ginger (5 g)
  • a glass of water (200 ml)


Preparation of green juice
  • Step 1. Peel the cucumber.
  • Step 2. Next, cut it into pieces or slices.
  • Step 3. Peel the apple and remove the seed socket.
  • Step 4. Cut the apples into pieces to make them easier to blend.
Preparation of green juice part 2
  • Step 5.  Place everything in the blender cup.
  • Step 6.  Add a teaspoon of grated ginger and a glass of water.
  • Step 7.  Blend the whole thing.
  • Step 8.  Drink freshly prepared juice immediately after blending – thanks to this you will use all its properties.

Note:  For even better results, it is recommended to drink this juice freshly on an empty stomach in the morning. It should not be considered a breakfast substitute, rather it is meant to be taken half an hour to 45 minutes before your first meal.


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