Sprained Ankle – Complementary Treatment

While a sprain or sprain can occur anywhere on the body, the ankle seems to be the most vulnerable. Without proper treatment, trauma can last for a long time.
Sprained ankle - adjuvant treatment

A sprained ankle can happen to anyone. This is an injury that occurs when you suddenly stand up badly while running, walking, when you don’t warm up enough before exercising, etc.

In addition to visiting a doctor and the therapy he recommends, you can also use natural remedies. They will be a complementary treatment that will allow you to recover faster. Learn what to do to help a sprained ankle quickly recover.

Sprained ankle – basic tips and recommendations

The first symptom of a sprained ankle is severe pain. Then, the ligaments are stretched to the point of damage to the joint. A sprain that is badly or not fully healed may have further consequences over time.

Sprained ankle - bandaging
By combining rest with light exercise, you will improve blood circulation in the ankle and get better treatment results.

After twisting or straining your ligaments, the first thing you should do is avoid putting stress on the affected foot. So be careful when you set it down on the ground. In addition, try to immobilize her as much as possible. Save it, reduce any pressure and use a cane or crutches while walking.

That said, the primary thing to keep in mind is a good rest. Also, while lying down, raise your leg to the same height as your heart. This will allow the lymph to drain, reduce swelling, inflammation and pain.

Another thing you can do is move your toes as often as possible. It will bring pleasant relief. It also promotes rapid recovery and reduces inflammation.

Gentle stretching is also recommended as it improves circulation to the ankle.

Sprained ankle – Remedies to complement therapy

There are many natural remedies available to help heal a sprained ankle and can complement the therapy prescribed by your doctor.

If the injury is minor, it can be treated at home with easy-to-follow remedies. However, if your sprained ankle is really bad, go directly to a specialist who will help to heal it.

Ice compress

Ice is one of the home remedies that is most useful for a sprained ankle. An ice pack or gel applied to a sore spot will help to quickly reduce swelling.

Ice compress - twisted ankle
The ice pack reduces the inflammation caused by the sprain and thus reduces pain.

Ice compresses can be repeated for 15 to 20 minutes every three or four hours for a week. Of course, it all depends on the degree to which the injury has healed and the type of pain you are experiencing.

Remember that ice should never be applied directly to the skin as it may lead to frostbite.

Magnesium sulfate

Magnesium sulfate is another great remedy for a twisted ankle.

  • Dilute it in 1/2 cup of warm water.
  • Put your injured foot in this fluid for 30 minutes, twice a day, for three to four consecutive days.

Essential oils

Natural oils are an excellent alternative for treating a sprained ankle and relieving the accompanying pain and inflammation. However, remember that these are only complementary home remedies to help reduce inflammation and reduce pain by relaxing your muscles.

Three bottles of oils
Certain essential oils have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

There are many natural oils that can be used for this purpose: castor oil, coconut oil, garlic oil, onion oil, turmeric oil, arnica oil, or olive oil.

  • Brush the sore area and cover with a bandage. Leave on the skin for at least half an hour.
  • Repeat the treatment every day for up to a week. Further application will depend on the progress of the injury treatment.

In addition, it is important to know how to wrap bandages to keep the foot, toes, and ankles from moving freely down to the knee. This area should be stiffened, but at the same time without being too tight. This is to promote good circulation.

Twisted ankle – turmeric and onions will help

Mix the turmeric and lemon to make a thick paste. Apply it directly to the sore spot. In addition, this paste can be mixed with a glass of warm milk and drunk twice a day to counteract inflammation and relieve pain.

Or, you can cut the onion into pieces and add salt to make a soft paste. Apply the paste to the affected area and secure with a bandage. Leave it on the skin and let it act for two hours.

You can repeat the treatment as many times as needed to maximize its anti-inflammatory effect.

Heal the ankle with arnica and olive oil

Arnica and olive oil are a powerful duo of power when it comes to reducing bruising and inflammation.

Arnica flowers and olive oil
Arnica has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is helpful in treating a sprained ankle as well as any other joint.
  • Apply a few drops of arnica oil to the affected area and massage in gently. Leave on skin for at least five hours.

You can also mix olive oil with egg yolk and apply the ointment directly to the damaged area.

  • Cover the ointment with cotton wool and a bandage. Leave for two days.

A third solution is to apply a few drops of pre-heated olive oil directly to the affected area.

  • Massage gently. You can repeat the treatment up to four times a day.

When you learn to heal a sprained ankle with additional natural remedies, it can help you recover faster in an accident. The use of these methods is very simple and inexpensive, but above all effective. (However, be sure to use them in conjunction with treatments and therapies recommended by your doctor ).

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