Causes Of Heartburn – Learn About Risk Factors And How To Prevent It

Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest or stomach caused by stomach acid rising into the esophagus as reflux. We’ll explain where it comes from and what measures you can take to alleviate it.
Causes of heartburn - learn about risk factors and how to prevent it

Pain or a burning sensation in the upper abdomen, also called heartburn, is a common symptom in adults. It is sometimes associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, although it is not exactly the same pathology. In this article, we’ll tell you what it is and what causes heartburn.

Both the burning sensation around the stomach and the symptom itself, which rises behind the breastbone (the part of the chest next to the heart), can be harmless to some extent. Still, some lifestyle changes are necessary to eliminate the causes of heartburn .

What is heartburn?

The stomach is an organ that belongs to the upper digestive system. It is located in the abdominal cavity, in its middle and upper parts. Above the stomach is the esophagus and below the small intestine.

The stomach plays an important role in breaking down food. It produces an acid called gastric juice that helps you digest proteins and the absorption of iron, calcium and vitamin B12.

In addition, stomach acid kills a large proportion of ingested microorganisms and reduces the growth of bacteria, which in turn prevents intestinal infections.

If acid from the stomach does not enter the intestine but does return to the esophagus, it is gastroesophageal reflux. We need to clarify that some degree of this reflux is a normal physiological reflex.

Such reflexes usually occur after meals. However, their duration is short, causes no symptoms, and rarely occurs during sleep.

However, when reflux causes bothersome symptoms or complications, it is referred to as non-physiological gastroesophageal reflux disease. It can cause heartburn, a burning or burning sensation in the stomach area or behind the breastbone.

Heartburn occurs as a burning pain in the esophagus and can be associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease.

How does heartburn effect occur and what are its causes?

When we eat, food passes from the mouth to the esophagus and from there to the stomach. Between them is a muscular ring called the lower esophageal sphincter, which prevents stomach contents from flowing back into your mouth.

When, for some reason, the acidic contents of the stomach rise (and go beyond what we call acid reflux), you can develop heartburn. The exact causes of heartburn are still under investigation.

Various possible theories have been postulated to precisely identify the causes of heartburn. Changes in mobility (gastrointestinal movements), changes in acid production, stress, diet, psychological and hereditary factors were taken into account .

We need to clarify that we are not talking about symptoms here with specific diagnoses, such as ulcers or pathological gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, or gallstones. Although you may experience heartburn in all of these situations as well.

Risk factors and causes of heartburn

As we mentioned, the causes of heartburn are still under investigation, although there are factors identified as risk factors. They should be avoided whenever possible to reduce the onset of symptoms.

Diet is one of the determining factors in causing heartburn. Diet noticeably contributes to the incidence of heartburn in some people. It is especially associated with the consumption of certain foods, such as spices or spicy additives.

Citrus fruits, tomato products (ketchup), fried or high-fat foods, mint, chocolate, carbonated drinks and alcohol also have this effect.

Being overweight can also increase the risk of heartburn. During pregnancy, women often experience it for a similar reason, as the enlarged uterus pushes the stomach upwards and promotes reflux due to anatomical changes.

When to see your doctor

There are times when additional testing is needed if specific causes of heartburn are suspected. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a specialist to rule out other important causes.

An alarm symptom would be the development of heartburn in patients over 60 years of age who did not suffer from it before. If this is accompanied by gastrointestinal bleeding (blood in the vomit or blood in the stool), even more so, you should see a doctor.

Lack of appetite is another warning sign as well as unexplained weight loss or difficulty swallowing. In addition, chest pain, unrelated to cardiac events, of gastrointestinal origin occasionally occurs.

People with a family history of gastric cancer in first-degree relationships are particularly special. This means that if the parents, uncles or grandparents suffered from an oncological disease, it is advisable to increase attention and speed up the consultation.

In these cases, symptoms may suggest oncological causes of heartburn.

Denial of a hamburger
Diet plays a key role in causing heartburn.

What can you do if you suffer from heartburn?

In cases where the heartburn or burning sensation around the sternum is very mild and intermittent, there are recommendations to follow that may help alleviate symptoms:

  • Losing weight if you are overweight.
  • Raising the headboard of the bed. This can be done by placing wooden or rubber blocks under the foot of the bed or by placing a foam wedge under the mattress. But don’t use multiple pillows as they can cause neck pain.
  • Avoid certain foods and foods that worsen your symptoms : These include coffee, chocolate, alcohol, mint, spices, spicy foods and additives, as well as fatty and fried foods.
  • Quit smoking: Tobacco is a common cause of heartburn.
  • Eat your evening meals beforehand – lying down on a full stomach can worsen acid reflux. We should try to plan our last meals at least 2-3 hours before going to bed.

It’s also important not to use over-the-counter antacids. It’s always better to consult a doctor. In the event of worsening of symptoms, the appearance of heartburn at night or persistence for a long time, it is recommended to accelerate the professional consultation.

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