3 Ways For Shiny Hair

Shiny hair is the result of many factors – from good habits, through the condition of the environment, to the cosmetics used. What to do to have strong and healthy strands?
3 ways to keep your hair shiny

Shiny hair  is undoubtedly the dream of every woman and many men. For hair to shine, it must be healthy and strong. This is due to many factors.

Environmental pollution, stress, cold, heat, a hair dryer and a hair iron affect the condition of the hair. Therefore, proper ways to care for their strands are a must.

In addition to the cosmetics available on the market,  there are home remedies that provide shine and health to your hair. Get to know 3 ways to shine your strands.

How to wash your hair to keep it shiny?

Proper hair washing is the key to proper care. First, the temperature of the water is important. You should use lukewarm, not cold or hot. Cold water does not dissolve fat and hot water damages hair.

It is classically recommended to rinse the hair with cold water at the end of washing it makes sense. Cool water stimulates circulation and closes the pores, which gives the strands glow. They say it’s good to change your shampoo so your hair doesn’t get used to it. However, if we find a cosmetic that suits us, it’s better to stick to it.

Another important point is to  avoid rubbing the scalp too much when washing it. This can stimulate the sebaceous glands to work and make you greasy faster.

While rinsing your hair, tilt your head back and run your fingers through the strands to remove any shampoo residue. It will add shine to them.

To have full-volume hair, you need to wash it properly.

How to comb your hair?

Combing your hair is the basis of daily care. You should do them twice a day, morning and evening. It is recommended to brush before washing. This prevents excessive tangling of the strands, which could make it difficult for the shampoo to penetrate deep into the hair.

Experts also recommend brushing the strands before going to bed. It is best to use a natural bristle brush for this. Brushing exfoliates the scalp and helps remove cosmetic residue. What’s more, it speeds up blood circulation and gives hair shine.

Home remedies for shiny hair

There is no shortage of hair care products on the market. You can also go to the beauty salon for the appropriate treatment. Home remedies, however, are the most pocket-friendly. What’s more, they  are based on natural products.

Natural remedies based on aloe vera or olive oil strengthen the hair roots.


Aloe is a natural product  with amazing possibilities. It supports hair growth, moisturizes and gives it shine.

To create the right mixture, mix two tablespoons of aloe vera gel (you can squeeze it directly from the leaves) with two tablespoons of water and pour it into a sprayer. This solution is then applied to wet hair after washing.

olive oil

The olive oil mask is also effective in adding shine to the hair. What’s more, the high content of nutrients, fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin E in the oil contributes to the restoration, hydration and gloss of the hair.

To prepare the mask, lightly heat two to three tablespoons of olive oil. Then massage it into the scalp and leave it for 15 minutes.

While the oil works on your hair,  it’s a good idea to cover your head with a warm towel to enhance the effect. Then wash your head as usual. The mask can be used once or twice a week.

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