4 Home Remedies To Strengthen The Lungs And Make Breathing Easier

Regardless of whether you are a heavy smoker, live with someone who smokes, or are often in smoky places, you should take care of your lung health. Cleaning them regularly will facilitate breathing and help prevent the development of various respiratory diseases.
Healthy Lungs - 4 Natural Remedies

The lungs are a pair of organs without which our body would not be able to function. Together with the heart and liver, it forms a vital triangle, the work of which affects all other parts of our body. The lungs and the heart are two organs that organize the work of the entire respiratory system.

Let us note that the condition of our lungs gradually deteriorates over the years. There are many different factors that adversely affect the quality of gas exchange in our body. This includes both environmental pollution and unhealthy everyday habits, such as smoking.

To restore the original purity of the lungs and to improve the breathing process, the upper respiratory tract should be regularly cleared. Plants with excellent properties to remove pollutants from the lungs, bronchi and the rest of the respiratory system are used for this.

The following home remedies are very easy to prepare – anyone can do it at home. They fantastically improve lung function. It is worth using them not only in periods of colds or strong coughs. Consumed regularly will help you stay healthy and prevent the development of many diseases.

Why is it worth clearing the lungs?

  • Clean lungs work efficiently because they easily supply the body’s cells with the oxygen necessary to carry out their basic functions.
  • By cleansing the lungs, we also improve the bronchial blood supply.
  • An organism with healthy and clean lungs quickly regenerates after exercise.
  • Clean lungs are less susceptible to attacks by viruses and bacteria and strengthen the body’s response to all kinds of threats.
  • The cleaner the respiratory tract , the lower the absorption of toxic substances from the environment.

Natural remedies to strengthen the lungs

1. Eucalyptus

This plant fantastically stimulates the expansion of the bronchi , thanks to which a greater dose of fresh air enters our body.

Eucalyptus leaves for healthy lungs
  • 2 tablespoons of eucalyptus leaves (20 g)
  • 8 cups of boiling water (2 liters)
A method of preparing
  • Bring the water to a boil, then add the eucalyptus leaves.
  • Then cover the pot with a lid and leave the leaves in the water for a few minutes while still cooking over low heat – this way you get the maximum concentration of healing menthol.
  • Keep simmering the stock, remove the lid and gradually bring your face closer to the pot (be careful not to burn yourself!) And inhale the eucalyptus fumes.
  • Inhale for about 10 minutes. The effect of the active ingredients of eucalyptus is immediate. In this short moment you will effectively cleanse your lungs and you will be able to breathe fully again.
  • Take inhalations whenever you have shortness of breath and breathing problems (asthma, sinusitis, attacks of breathlessness, chronic cough).

2. Horse chestnut for the lungs

Horse chestnut is a plant suitable for anyone who wants to cleanse their lungs and maintain their high efficiency. Chestnut infusion strengthens the respiratory system and helps to achieve fantastic results, especially in people who regularly play sports or are heavy smokers.

  • 1 tablespoon of dried chestnut leaves (5 g)
  • 1 cup of boiling water (250 g)
A method of preparing
  • Boil the water, then add the dried chestnut leaves to it.
  • Then brew covered for a few minutes.
  • When the infusion is ready to drink, strain it through a strainer.
  • Consume the infusion 2-3 times a week, especially in periods when you have symptoms of asthma, bronchitis or a troublesome cough.

3. Licorice root

Licorice root decoction is one of the most effective home remedies for treating respiratory irritation and infections.

Licorice root
  • A piece of  licorice root
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
A method of preparing
  • Boil the water. When it starts to bubble, add a piece of licorice root to it and simmer for about 5 more minutes.
  • After removing the stock from the heat, strain it through a strainer. Let it cool for a few minutes, then drink it.
  • This decoction is not recommended for people with high blood pressure (the properties of this natural medicine can exacerbate the problem).

4. Bay leaves

Bay leaves, popular in every kitchen, are a great ally for people suffering from asthma and those who live with smokers and are constantly exposed to passive inhalation of unhealthy cigarette substances.

It is worth noting that the lungs of passive smokers are often as polluted as the lungs of people who smoke a few cigarettes a day. So it is worth taking care of your health: regularly clean the respiratory system and avoid staying in smoky places.

  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of honeysuckle (10 g)
A method of preparing
  • Pour the water into the pan and bring it to a boil.
  • When the water starts to bubble, add the bay leaves and honeysuckle leaves to it. Simmer for another 5 minutes.
  • After 5 minutes, remove the stock from heat, cover and brew for about 10 minutes.
  • When the infusion is at room temperature, strain it through a strainer and drink it.
  • If you live with smokers, drink this brew at least three times a week. Thanks to this habit, your lungs will regenerate on an ongoing basis.

At the end

Each of the above remedies will naturally help you cleanse your lungs and strengthen the entire respiratory system. Remember that breathing difficulties can be treated using home methods that are completely safe for our body.

Therefore, do not get tired during periods of increased pollination of plants! And if you live with smokers or are often in their company, try to clean your lungs regularly – this will help you avoid diseases and take care of the health of your respiratory tract.

Use the natural power of plants and start taking care of your lungs. Remember that oxygen is essential to life, and it is the lungs that deal with its distribution throughout the body. Love yourself and your lungs!

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