Very Sensitive People – Do You Know How To Treat Them?

Highly sensitive people perceive and process emotional information differently. Discover some keys to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings when interacting with them.
Very sensitive people - do you know how to treat them?

Some people have particular sensitivities that can make their day-to-day life difficult if they don’t learn to manage it. Especially if they are not understood by those around them. That’s why we want to show you how to treat very sensitive people.

It’s estimated that around 20% of the population has this high sensitivity, so it’s likely that you know someone with these traits, or even have them yourself. They are very emotional people, with great intuition and empathy.

They perceive more sensory information, faster and at a deeper level. For the same reason, very sensitive individuals may react very differently.

How can you recognize very sensitive people?

The high sensitivity of these people has a biological basis. It was found that their central nervous system has more reactivity than the rest of the population. In addition, related genetic markers were identified.

This innate temperament is additionally influenced by life experiences and environmental factors, and as a result a profile of highly sensitive people is formed. Here are some of their main characteristics.

Deep reflection

Very sensitive people perceive more information, but also tend to process it much deeper than the rest of people. That is why they are often prone to reflection and analysis in order to fully understand every, even the smallest aspect of reality.

Sad woman by the window
Very sensitive people often lead a solitary lifestyle, because in this way they can distract themselves from what is touching or hurting them and can regain their energy.

Very sensitive people are prone to introversion

By having a system that is sensitive to sensory and emotional stimulation, these individuals may feel overburdened or overstimulated. Loud noises, bright lights and crowds of people exhaust them, disturb them and stress them out.

Therefore, they tend to be introverted, enjoy solitude, and need these moments of peace to regain lost energy.

Strong emotionality

Due to their special sensitivity , they easily pick up emotional nuances and subtleties that go unnoticed by others. They perceive the emotions of others with greater force, and they intensely experience and express their own emotional states.

They have a lot of empathy and usually get deeply involved in their emotional relationships with others. However, they may have difficulty setting boundaries.

Tips for Treating Very Sensitive People

As 80% of the population does not have this trait, it may be difficult to understand the reality of very sensitive people. Consequently, we often do not know how to relate to them.

Therefore, below are some tips that can be considered in order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.

1. Be understanding

First of all, it should be remembered that very sensitive people feel it with greater intensity. Therefore, avoid judging them or accusing them of being dramatic.

Do not invalidate or diminish the importance of their feelings. It will only make them suppress their emotions, make them feel misunderstood, and may even feel psychosomatic discomfort.

On the other hand, also remember that their sensitivity is not a defect and therefore do not try to change them. Their perception of the world is different from the average, but as much as yours.

2. Be sensitive to their needs

We have already established that these individuals may feel overwhelmed when they are overstimulated. For this reason, try not to raise your voice in conversation with them and try to choose a quiet environment when you want to be in their company.

In addition, very sensitive people show above-average awareness, generosity and empathy towards the emotions of others. At the same time, they also need the people around them to listen and support them.

So allow them to express themselves and provide a safe space to share their fears and feelings. Avoid stiffness or coldness in any interactions or advice you give.

3. Honesty is a good policy

Sometimes we humans tend to hide what we actually think, what we feel, and what bothers us. We put on the mask and pretend everything is fine.

Highly sensitive people have a great ability to perceive the inner states of others and can notice any slight change in mood. Therefore, when they ask you to do so, it’s best to talk with them completely honestly.

Otherwise, they will try to analyze and reflect to understand your attitude. As a result, it can cause them suffering.

Mother with son
Comprehensive support and sincere listening are aspects that cannot be neglected in very sensitive people.

Sensitivity is part of who we are

If you have a very sensitive person in your life, it can be difficult for you to understand their way of seeing the world, expressing themselves and feeling. You may also be surprised by her need for solitude, her slow processing of information, her indecision, or her extreme sensitivity to criticism.

But remember that all these qualities are part of her personality. So it’s best to accept it as it is. In doing so, you will also discover that it also has many wonderful qualities: kindness, warmth, generosity, loyalty.

If you are a very sensitive person, you may need to learn to deal with certain reactions and emotions in order not to suffer. It is necessary to reasonably set boundaries and take care of yourself. But do not try to suppress or hide your sensitivity: appreciate and respect it as it is an integral part of your being.

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