Black Lotion: A Cure For Skin Cancer?

Canadian Sanguine is the main ingredient of black lotion. We’ll show you if this ointment could be an alternative treatment for skin cancer.
Black lotion: a cure for skin cancer?

In desperation, a person with skin cancer may seek alternative treatments. However, in some cases these drugs will be dangerous and can cause serious side effects. One of them is black balm. It is an alternative medicine medicine that causes serious problems in the dermis.

A caustic black lotion  is used in the hope of destroying moles or malignant tumors, or to fight off skin cancer cells. However, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strongly advises against its use.

So far, there is no scientific evidence that black lotion is effective in treating cancer. Find out what this ointment is, why it is not an oncology drug, and the possible side effects of using it.

What is black lotion?

This balm has a consistency similar to a paste or herbal wrap. Its main ingredient is a plant called Canadian Sanguine, which comes from North America. It is also known as red root or bloodroot.

In addition, it is often prepared with zinc chloride; both components are caustic substances. Black lotion can destroy the skin, which leaves a thick scar in addition to pain.

Why is black lotion not a cancer cure?

Why should you not use this ointment? There are several reasons. The first is the unfavorable results obtained from people who have used the product. Second, there is no scientific  evidence that the properties of black lotion are effective in treating cancer.

These two arguments alone are more than enough to avoid using it altogether.

In addition, there are studies that prove that black lotion is not the recommended treatment for any type of cancer. It is characterized by tissue toxicity to which malignant cancer cells are resistant to some extent.

Despite numerous warnings, this product can be purchased online. Misleading offers recommend it as a cancer cure, to reduce excess fluid, to strengthen enzyme structure, and to improve oxygen supply to the brain. However, none of these alleged benefits are legitimate.

A disturbing mole
If skin cancer is detected, it may lead to the use of substances that are not scientifically proven to work.

What harm can black lotion do?

Currently, there are several countries that prohibit the sale of black lotion in the open market as an alternative treatment to fight cancer. For example, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labels this ointment as a fake medicine that should be avoided.

So you cannot use black ointment in the hope that it will only eradicate cancer cells and trust that it will not harm healthy cells. The effect of any lotion is never limited to diseased cells.

The ointment cannot distinguish healthy tissue from the diseased section, which results in the death of the tissues of the entire area, which is referred to as necrosis.

In addition, other side effects such as scarring, disfigurement and infection can occur. In addition, the black lotion has no effect on metastatic cancer. It is completely ineffective in this case, and even allows it to penetrate into other parts of the body.

According to a study from the University of Utah, fear of surgery may be the main reason people turn to this alternative drug. However, those who applied the black lotion now need plastic surgery to repair the deformation caused by the ointment.

Prevention and recommendations for black lotion

Black lotion is not the only remedy that should be avoided for skin cancer. Other natural products can also be counterproductive.

If a patient is taking chemotherapy, consumption of St. John’s wort or vitamins A and C can cause serious side effects, according to the same research conducted by the University of Utah. On the other hand, caution is also suggested when consuming mistletoe.

While this plant is known for its immune-boosting properties, the truth is that it reacts differently to melanoma.

It may seem logical to many people to use natural remedies to strengthen the body while fighting cancer. However, it’s a bad idea to resort to natural supplements or vitamins other than those prescribed by your doctor.

People with oncological skin diseases take special medications and adverse interactions can occur.

Recommendations when considering natural treatment as an adjunct

Understandably, the patient or family members want to do whatever they can to cure skin cancer. If an alternative treatment for the disease is considered, it is recommended to:

  • Before consuming any substance, the first thing to do is visit a dermatologist.
  • Be sure to ask a specialist if you have any doubts. These may be for treatment, biopsy, or possible other options.
  • Family and friends undoubtedly have the best intentions, but the medications they suggest may not be justified. You should refer to any recommendations obtained from a specialist or through scientific studies.
  • Although your dermatologist may ask about this, be sure to tell them about your mineral supplements, herbal remedies, vitamins, or other substances. Otherwise the interactions could cause serious side effects.
  • Be careful not to fall into the trap of fake ads or drugs. Most of them have one thing in common. Namely, they tend to say that they heal in a miraculous and almost magical way.
Examination of moles
Skin cancer treatment is carried out by dermatologists and care should be taken with natural alternatives that may have adverse effects.

What should I remember about black lotion for skin cancer?

There is no doubt that skin cancer is a disease that requires treatment. And alternative drugs can be very tempting, especially for desperate patients. However, this is usually counterproductive and causes the pathology to progress faster.

It’s best to rely on accredited and certified professionals. They are the only ones able to diagnose and recommend appropriate and proven treatment in the fight against skin cancer.

Using black lotion is a serious mistake. Doctors will not prescribe it because it has neither a scientific basis nor proven effectiveness. Applying the ointment to the skin can cause severe pain and disfigurement.

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