Resveratrol. Perfect Brain Protection

Resveratrol.  Perfect brain protection

“You know what medicine works for everything?” –  Although it sounds like the beginning of a joke, the real answer to this question really exists. It might seem that resveratrol – because we are talking about it – is some wonderful antidote that mankind has been waiting for for centuries. It fights cardiovascular problems, protects the lungs, has proven effectiveness in the fight against cancer, obesity, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, and even supports the work of the brain. That doesn’t sound like… At least until you search for “resveratrol , read about research on it, and realize… you’ve been taking it since you were a child!

Resveratrol, besides being a hard-to-pronounce word, has several other specific properties, most of all it is an ideal protection for the brain.

Resveratrol: what is it anyway and how does it work?

Resveratrol is a phytoalexin; an enzyme produced by plants to protect against bacteria and parasitic fungi. It is a complicated chemical compound, but the most important thing for us is that it occurs naturally in oysters, peanuts, nuts, currants, blueberries, grapes, and in its preparations: in wine and grape juice. You see? You’ve really been eating it since you were a child, without realizing its properties! 

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This compound was discovered in 1940 and was originally used to treat cancer. It has the amazing ability to control free radicals and interact with the cells of many tissues. Today, resveratrol is a frequent subject of research, and already at an experimental level it is shown to stimulate a wide range of anti-cancer, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, it has antioxidant (antioxidant) properties, so we carefully study its anti-aging effect (and thus anti-aging). Resveratrol is already sold worldwide in the form of capsules and ointments.

Pharmaceuticals containing resveratrol are not sold as drugs, but as dietary supplements, obtained naturally by drying the skins and seeds of various types of wheat and other plants. It can often be read that resveratrol is the strongest antioxidant in existence that protects against neoplastic changes and cell aging.  But does everything that can be read have to be true?

A handful of facts

By facts we mean properties and far-reaching, sometimes controversial conclusions that are not only guesses and interpretations of individual studies, and which are confirmed by scientists in reliable tests.

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It has already been proven that resveratrol:

  1. It is an antioxidant (antioxidant).
  2. It activates genes present in various organisms that are responsible for protection against various diseases.
  3. It can prevent excess estrogen secretion and deactivate estrogen-regulated genes, thus reducing the risk of certain cancers.
  4. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. During experiments on mice and rats, anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, eliminating excess cholesterol and other positive effects on the circulatory system were noted.
  6. Tests in test tubes have proven the positive effect of resveratrol on breast tissue, skin, prostate and digestive organs.
  7. At a high dose, it noticeably reduces blood sugar levels.
  8. Animals on which resveratrol was tested developed better physical abilities.
  9. It enhances the process of fatty acid oxidation, the formation of mitochondria, cellular respiration and gluconeogenesis, and thus – it is an excellent protection of the nervous system.


On the other hand, such results were not always observed in humans. It is possible that step by step we will learn the answers to the issues that bother us, but for now – we can only passively observe the development of events.

Research is currently underway to see if resveratrol can:

  1. Effectively counteract diseases of the cardiovascular system. Everything indicates that wine (especially red) has a very good effect on the heart.
  2. Stop oxidative aging of brain cells and heal damage.
  3. Eliminate metabolic disorders and related diseases (e.g. diabetes)
  4. To improve the quality of life of older people. The results are still unclear. It is believed to heal cell damage caused by external factors and dopamine breakdown, and to extend their life span.
  5. It has a positive effect on the physical condition of a person, has an anti-aging effect or eliminates excess cholesterol.

Resveratol, the perfect protection for the brain

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Okay, you are probably wondering how it all relates to the title of this article? Take it easy, we are in a hurry to explain. Resveratrol strengthens and affects one of the most important organs in our body: the brain.

Brain cells require a continuous supply of oxygen to function properly and not to be damaged. But the mere supply of oxygen does not always help us to think, learn, or remember information more efficiently. And here, thanks to resveratrol used in the right doses, we can increase the acceleration of blood supply to the brain, which will result in better use of oxygen resources in its area.

Another good news – the results of many studies show that phytoalexins help counteract accelerated cellular breakdown. Scientists believe that resveratrol acts as a natural protection for brain cells, slowing their death due to lack of oxygen (such as during a stroke) and preventing DNA damage, and even helps regenerate brain cells damaged by dementia diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.  It also reduces the risk of contracting such diseases. For editorial reliability, however, we must add at this point that such results have so far been obtained only in laboratories, under controlled conditions and in doses much greater than food can provide us.

Finally, a little advice

We already know what resveratrol is and whether it is not. Undoubtedly, it has many properties that support our health, but not all pharmaceutical products that contain it are proven to work. Before you go to the pharmacy, remember – in-depth research has not yet produced conclusive results.

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