Discover The Best Herbs To Calm Your Nerves And Get Rid Of Anxiety

Passion flower, a plant in the passionflower family, is recommended to be eaten to soothe neck pain. This herb is also good for headaches and period pains. Ginseng is used to maintain the balance of yin and yang in our body.
Herbs for tarnished nerves - 9 infusions

Today we present  herbs that will effectively soothe shattered nerves and eliminate this unpleasant pressure in the stomach resulting from stress. Find out that herbs can work wonders.

The rhythm of modern life is so crazy that it is not uncommon for us to turn into one huge bundle of nerves under the multitude of everyday problems. Home chores, work, pressure from family and surroundings, competition … strong incentives every minute. How can you not lose your head and function efficiently in such conditions?

The ideal solution would be to move to the countryside and quit the stressful job. However, we know perfectly well that for most of us it is simply impossible. So how do you deal with stress and the accompanying anxiety states?

Herbs with soothing properties for the nerves and inner anxiety

Nerves and inner anxiety can arise for a variety of reasons. However, one thing is certain – regardless of their cause, our body acutely feels their consequences.

Perhaps you have changed your job, you are trembling about your current job, you are getting married soon, you are nervous before your first date or before an important meeting, you are taking your first steps in an unfamiliar field, you have an important exam ahead of you …

Passion flower (passion flower)

Passion flower directly affects the central nervous system and at the same time relaxes the muscles. After drinking the infusion of this wonderful medicinal plant, all kinds of stress-related pains (for example, pain in the cervical vertebrae caused by abnormal posture) disappear.

This herb is also indicated for headaches and menstrual pain. Look for passion in diet and health stores. You can also buy it as a tincture. Dissolve a few drops of the tincture in a glass of water, tea or natural orange juice. See for yourself that these herbs really work.


According to the indications of traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng is used to restore the balance of yin and yang in our body. There is a common misconception that this medicinal root causes nervousness and excitement. However, this is not true, on the contrary – it soothes the nerves and anxiety.

Ginseng root

It helps sad and depressed people regain their optimism and fights chronic fatigue syndrome. Ginseng is also used as a natural sedative for people who are nervous or experiencing internal anxiety and fear .

Specialists recommend taking ginseng tincture (concentrate with the addition of alcohol and water). Dissolve a few drops of the tincture in a glass of water, natural juice or tea.

Trifoliate Lippia (Lemon Verbena)

This medicinal plant, commonly known as lemon verbena, has numerous properties that benefit our body. Among other things, it perfectly relaxes the body, soothes nerves and anxiety, and is also a good natural means of helping you fall asleep.

On the other hand, some people regularly consume its infusions, because it has a very beneficial effect on the digestive system, removes residual intestinal gases and eliminates and soothes colic (it has a relaxing effect). Fresh lemon verbena leaves are the perfect addition to a variety of dishes or lemonades and juices.

However, if you have purchased this plant as a dried fruit, you can prepare a delicious infusion (a handful of dried per cup of boiling water). Would you like to add other herbs to it? We recommend valerian, chamomile or mint.

St. John’s wort

St. John’s Wort provides the body with many nutrients, such as flavonoids. However, its most important ingredient is undoubtedly hypericin, which inhibits the action of the enzyme dopamine – which in turn contributes to the improvement of well-being.

This medicinal plant also reduces the production of adrenaline, making it great for natural stress, anxiety and depression relief. You can purchase St. John’s wort in the form of an essential oil that should be applied topically in the form of a massage with circular movements.

For best results, mix it with almond oil or olive oil. Another idea to use the calming properties of St. John’s wort is to use it as aromatherapy – heat a few drops of essential oil in a steamer or oil pan.

Another option is to drink St. John’s wort. Remember that the maximum dose is three cups of infusion a day.


When it comes to herbs that have calming and relaxing properties, we cannot ignore valerian. The flowers of this plant – thanks to their strong sedative properties – are used to relieve stress.

Valerian flowers

What’s more, valerian is effective in combating insomnia and other sleep disorders. It is also recommended as a natural soothing agent for menstrual pain. Prepare an infusion of dried valerian root by pouring a liter of boiling water over it. Drink no more than three cups a day.


Few people know that some aromatic herbs, such as basil – known primarily as an aromatic addition to a variety of dishes – also have calming properties. In addition, basil is also recommended as a natural digestive aid, especially after heavy and heavy meals.

In addition, it relaxes the nervous system and helps the body relax. It is ideal for alleviating stress or anxiety-induced stress. pain in the dimple.

Lime Tree

Lime is a plant especially recommended for neurotic and stressed people. An infusion of linden flowers soothes the nerves, calms down and makes it easier to fall asleep.

If you do not like its taste, you can add other herbs to it: prepare an infusion of a teaspoon of dried linden flowers with one of these three medicinal plants: chamomile, valerian or lemon verbena.

Single-necked hawthorn

Hawthorn has many properties that are beneficial for our body, but the ability to prevent cardiovascular diseases stands out among them. It naturally lowers blood pressure and improves blood circulation, which allows the heart to pump blood more forcefully.

What’s more, this plant has a relaxing effect on the sympathetic nervous system and is recommended for stressed people and in the case of mild anxiety states. It is best to consume the hawthorn tincture by diluting a few drops with juices, water or herbal infusions.

Lemon balm

Lemon balm is a pollen-rich plant that strongly attracts bees. This fact is not without significance – the word lemon balm in Greek means just a bee. Like other sedative herbs, lemon balm is recommended in cases of severe stress, anxiety or insomnia.

Fresh lemon balm leaves

In addition, it has relaxing properties, therefore it is ideal for athletes or people who often exercise. The wonderful power of this plant does not stop there – it is also effective in relieving stomach cramps.

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