5 Benefits Of Pineapple Water – A Great Natural Remedy

Although pineapple is famous for its diuretic properties, the infusion of the pulp and peel has a strong healing effect, which has a very positive effect on the overall health of the body.
Drink pineapple water - the benefits are huge!

Edible pineapple (Latin name Ananas comosus ) is a tropical fruit with a fabulously sweet and refreshing taste. This perennial plant belongs to the bromeliads family. Originally comes from South America. For centuries, the inhabitants of this region have not only eaten juicy slices, but also prepare healing pineapple water.

Pineapple is one of the invaluable elements of traditional South American cuisine and occupies an important place in the natural medicine of the oldest tribes. In addition to the golden flesh, they also use pineapple water, which is rich in nutrients . The properties of this fruit not only improve the palatability of various dishes, but also help to avoid the development of many different diseases.

Pineapple stands out from other fruits due to the very high content of digestive enzymes and antioxidants, which are extremely effective in stimulating the natural process of cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful substances, and also delay the aging process of our body cells.

At the same time, this tropical fruit is a valuable source of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals that greatly improve the intellectual functions of the brain and have a positive effect on our well-being. So there is no need to wait, reach for pineapple today!

Drink pineapple water and be healthy

While most of us prefer to consume pineapples in their natural, fresh form, other ideas about using the fruit, and the whole, should not be rejected. When you reach for this fruit, don’t throw away the skin! It will be useful for preparing a healing infusion, which you can use during the day to hydrate and cleanse the body.

Have you ever tried pineapple water? If so – you must have been delighted with its delicate, slightly sweet taste. If not, learn about the properties of this natural drink and learn how to prepare it. The positive effects of regular drinking pineapple water are visible after only a few days of treatment.

The benefits of drinking pineapple water

We don’t have to be sick or have health problems to reach for pineapple water. It can be used for prophylactic purposes almost all the time as an alternative to still mineral water.

Below you will find a complete overview of the benefits that pineapple water has on our body.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect

The main active substance in pineapple is bromelain – an enzyme with a strong anti-inflammatory effect – which naturally protects the body against attacks by pathogenic microorganisms and the development of various diseases (including cancer).

  • Bromelain fantastically improves blood circulation and stimulates the process of removing toxins and excess fluid from the tissues. Therefore, it prevents fluid retention in the body and swelling caused by toxins and other harmful substances accumulating in our body every day.
  • It helps fight some of the symptoms of arthritis, various bone diseases, and other inflammatory reactions in the body.
  • It stimulates the breakdown of uric acid – a substance whose excess causes the formation of kidney stones and the painful gout.

It strengthens the body’s immunity

Regular use of pineapple water perfectly replenishes vitamin C deficiency in the body, thanks to which it naturally increases the body’s resistance to attacks by pathogenic microorganisms.

So if you want to strengthen your immune system without reaching for tablets and dietary supplements that are harmful to your health, regularly consume pineapple water (several times a week).

  • It lowers the risk of both bacterial and viral infections.
  • It is perfect for the treatment of colds, flu and all kinds of diseases of the urinary system.

Drink pineapple water and stay slim

Pineapple water is famous mainly for its strong slimming properties. Of course, it is not an express way to quickly lose unnecessary kilograms, but it is a fantastic support in the daily care of a healthy body weight. This is because the ingredients it contains naturally accelerate fat burning.

  • Pineapple water is low in calories, and therefore it is recommended especially for people struggling with overweight and obesity. The infusion of pineapple peel provides a feeling of fullness for a long time, thus reducing the desire to snack between meals.
  • It suppresses the appetite for unhealthy snacks and stimulates the body’s cleansing process of toxins.
  • It is a valuable source of dietary fiber, which naturally improves the functions of the digestive system and helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.
  • It stimulates the process of transformation of glucose into an energy source, and therefore greatly accelerates the metabolism and prevents constipation.

 Detoxifies and cleanses the liver

Pineapple water is a source of enzymes and antioxidant substances that perfectly support the basic functions of the liver : they stimulate the excretion of waste products, toxins and other harmful substances that accumulate in the tissues of our body every day.

  • The cleansing properties of pineapple water improve the blood filtration process, detoxifying the body of toxins.
  • In turn, antioxidants take an active part in regenerative processes at the cellular level and protect our body against the harmful effects of free radicals.

Takes care of the health of the thyroid gland

Pineapple water contains trace amounts of iodine and other essential minerals that benefit thyroid health.

  • Eating it regularly helps lower the risk of both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
  • If you’re diagnosed with thyroid disease, pineapple water helps relieve some symptoms.
  • Thanks to the content of bromelain, drinking pineapple water on a regular basis helps lower the risk of autoimmune diseases related to the malfunctioning of the thyroid gland.

Recipe for pineapple water

The preparation of pineapple water is very simple and does not require a lot of time. You can easily cook an infusion of pineapple peel every day to be able to sip it throughout the day.

  • ½ pineapple with peel
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
A method of preparing
  • Cut half of a medium-sized pineapple into small pieces, leaving the skin on.
  • Then put it in a pot and pour four glasses of water over it.
  • When the water starts to bubble, cook for about 10-15 minutes more.
  • Remove from heat and set aside to cool.
  • When the drink is at room temperature, pass it through a strainer and pour it into a glass jug.
How and when to eat?
  • Drink your first cup of pineapple water on an empty stomach in the morning. Drink the next glasses about half an hour before each meal.
  • Do not add sugar or artificial sweeteners to your infusion! Besides, pineapple is so sweet that it does not require any sweet additions.

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