10 Reliable Tips To Eliminate Dark Circles And Bags Under The Eyes

A short massage around the eyes perfectly stimulates blood circulation and helps to reduce the visibility of bags and shadows under the eyes.
Puffiness under the eyes - 10 reliable ways!

How many times in the morning have you looked in the mirror and stared in disbelief at the swelling under your eyes. In order to avoid the popular eye bags and shadows, you should definitely change some of your daily habits.

It is true that there is a whole range of cosmetics that effectively reduce the visibility of bags and shadows. However, to get rid of the problem permanently, you need to take better care of yourself and provide the body with the right dose of nutrients and the rest it deserves.

Find out which habits should be abandoned and replaced with healthier ones, and how to take care of yourself to eliminate the puffiness under the eyes once and for all . A few simple tips will make it easier for you!

Swelling under the eyes – what factors cause it?

The way we care for our skin also has a significant impact on the appearance of our eyes. Systematic hygiene, the use of appropriate creams and care treatments, regular moisturizing of the epidermis, etc. are important here.

Although puffiness under the eyes is not a sign of illness, it is a serious aesthetic problem among women. Hence, we are constantly looking for methods to reduce the swelling that makes us look older and unhealthy.

Fortunately, this problem can be resolved quickly and efficiently. All you need is a little patience and the desire to change your daily habits into healthier ones!
Also read the article: Yellow tufts – these lumps around the eyes

What causes puffiness under the eyes?

Before we move on to specific advice on how to combat puffiness under the eyes, let’s analyze the factors that may affect its appearance. Since many of them result from our lifestyle, it will be easy for us to eliminate them. And they include:

  • Excessive exposure to solar radiation (hyperpigmentation) or disturbances in the production of melanin
  • Sudden hormonal changes
  • Taking certain medications for vasodilation or cortisone
  • Insufficient sleep, insomnia and other sleep disorders
  • Frequent rubbing of the eyes
  • Swelling caused by fluid retention in the body
  • Thyroid disorders, mainly hypothyroidism
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Premature aging of the body
The woman is looking at her face in the mirror

How to get rid of puffiness under the eyes – some practical tips

A simple and effortless way to remove unsightly bags under the eyes is to use one of the many creams for this ailment. They have been developed for the delicate skin and around the eyes, and their action can be really effective.

However, it is worth knowing that their price can be excessive, and the effect is based only on local action. This means that by using the cream you will reduce the visibility of the bags, but you will not eliminate the source of their formation. The laser can also help you, but this is a higher-priced procedure.

If you want to permanently get rid of swelling, rejuvenate your eyes and at the same time take better care of your skin, introduce a few habits into your daily routine that will help you achieve the desired effect.

1. Get a good night’s sleep

Proper sleep hygiene and healthy night rest are the key to staying healthy for many years. Remember that our body regenerates intensively during sleep.

So if your goal is to get rid of the puffiness around your eyes, you should be getting enough sleep.


  • Try to sleep between 7 and 8 hours a night. It should be a deep and uninterrupted sleep.
  • If you have trouble falling asleep, drink a relaxing infusion before going to bed to soothe your nerves and prepare you for rest.
  • Also use popular relaxation techniques that will help you de-stress, soothe your nerves and clear your mind of worries.

2. Don’t forget to remove makeup every day

The basis of everyday skin care treatments is undoubtedly thorough cleansing of the skin and removing makeup residues from it. In this way, we will keep the skin firm and youthful appearance for a long time.

The girl removes makeup from her eyes

In addition, makeup residue will accumulate in skin pores, hollows and fine lines, causing imperfections and even puffiness around the eyes.


  • You can use all-natural almond oil for everyday make-up removal. Apply it on a cotton ball or cotton pad and rub it over your face until you completely get rid of makeup residue.
  • You can also cleanse your face with milk or a special makeup remover.

3. Limit your salt intake

Eating a diet rich in sodium may result in excessive fluid retention in the body’s tissues. Puffiness under the eyes also stems from this ailment.


  • Replace traditional table salt with herbs such as oregano, thyme, bay leaves, turmeric.
  • If you absolutely must salt your food, go for healthier sea or Himalayan salt.
  • Limit your consumption of highly processed foods, as they contain a lot of salt and sodium.

4. Eat more green vegetables

Vegetables with green leaves are rich in substances that have a great effect on the health and appearance of our skin. As for the swelling under the eyes, they are effective in reducing inflammation by increasing the amount of oxygen reaching the cells.

It is also worth noting that vegetables are a rich source of antioxidants that prevent premature skin aging.

Green Vegetable Cocktail


  • Increase your consumption of leafy greens. Prepare healthy cocktails and salads based on them. Always eat them fresh to take full advantage of their wealth of nutrients!

5. Drink plenty of water

Dehydration can lead to a number of unfavorable changes in the skin of the face. Excessive dryness can cause tissue weakness, and also contributes to the formation of puffiness, bags, shadows under the eyes and the so-called. crow’s feet.


  • Try to drink 7-8 glasses of still mineral water a day.
  • You can alternate it with herbal infusions and natural fruit and vegetable juices.

6. Increase your citrus consumption

Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits and mandarins, are an excellent source of vitamin C. This, in turn, is essential for the production of collagen by our body.

This substance not only prevents the premature formation of wrinkles, but also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thanks to which it greatly affects the health and appearance of the delicate skin around the eyes.


  • Make sure that you have an orange, a mandarin or a grapefruit on your plate every day.
  • A great way to keep your skin healthy and beautiful is to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach.

7. Use creams with a UV filter

Overexposure to UV rays is one of the main causes of premature skin aging and the formation of dark spots on its surface.

The ones that form around the eyes definitely do not add beauty to us. On the contrary, they age us, contribute to the formation of wrinkles, and in combination with puffiness, they look very unsightly.

Girl with sunscreen on her face


  • Use a good quality cream with a UV filter all year round. In summer, choose the highest number or a product that completely blocks the absorption of UV rays.
  • Additionally, protect the skin around your eyes from the sun by wearing glasses and a large-brimmed straw hat.

8. Regularly perform a gentle massage of the skin around the eyes

Performing a short massage with your fingertips greatly stimulates the work of the lymphatic system, and therefore helps to reduce puffiness under the eyes. Support the massage with essential oils or your favorite cream, which will improve the condition of the skin around the eyes.


  • Put a few drops of coconut or almond oil on your fingertips and then gently massage the skin around your eyes. Repeat the treatment every night before going to bed.

9. Apply cucumber compresses

The classic solution for swelling around the eyes is cucumber! This green vegetable is rich in anti-inflammatory and refreshing compounds that perfectly improve the condition of the skin under the eyes, reducing puffiness and dark circles.

In addition, cucumber juice effectively soothes all kinds of irritation and restores a youthful look.


  • Cut a piece of cucumber into several slices and then place them in the freezer.
  • When the vegetable is well frosted, apply individual slices to your closed eyelids.
  • Leave for 5 minutes. Immediate effect guaranteed!

10. Take care of regular physical activity

It’s not that physical activity will eliminate puffiness under the eyes. In the long run, however, systematic training has a very positive effect on blood and lymph circulation in the body, thus preventing excessive retention of water in the tissues.

As a result, the skin is better oxygenated, nourished, and looks more beautiful and younger.


  • Try to spend at least 20 minutes a day on physical activity.
  • You don’t have to sign up for a gym, a short run, dancing to your favorite music or cycling is enough.

If you have noticed swelling under your eyes that has not disappeared for several weeks, and your skin looks tired and poorly nourished, start taking better care of yourself. Follow these tips and get yourself a good quality moisturizer (or make it yourself from natural ingredients).

Remember that you have to wait a while for the effects. However, if you show patience, the swelling will gradually subside, and after some time you will surprise your loved ones with a beautiful, healthy appearance.

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